Orimex Lojistik

6.8 (8‎)
What customers are saying
Careful with furniture (1)
Professional (1)
Efficient (1)
Failure to comply (1)
International removals
National moving
Excess baggage
Car & Vehicle transport
Piano transport


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63% of the users recommend this moving company
 on Sirelo
Firma oldukça tecrübeli olup , bilgilendirmede ve müdahalelerin gecikmesiz yapılmasında başarılıydı.
Mobilyalar ve eşyalar hasarsız bir şekilde verilen adrese ulaştı.
Verilen hizmet için teşekkür ederiz.
Moved from Doha (Qatar) to Antalya (Turkey)
 on Sirelo
Sabah eşyaları toplamaya geldiklerinde yanlarında şarjlı vidalama olmadığı için koltuk ayaklarını sökmek istemediler, onlara makine tedarik ettik fakat bu seferde vidaları kırarak sökmüşler. Hatta koltuğumuzun ahşap kısımları kırılmış. Hiç bir şeyi yeterince paketlememişler. Bir koltuğumuzun kumaşı yırtıldı; bütün koltuklarımın, yemek masasının, konsolun, dolabın ahşap kısımları zarar gördü. Demonte ederken o kadar özensiz iş yapmışlar ki monte eden ekip bazı vidaların kutudan çıkmadığını söyledi. Çamaşır makinesinin kazan sabitleyici aparatları gevşek takmışlar ve şu anda çamaşır makinesi çalışmıyor. Sigorta için süreci başlattık. Çamaşır makinesi için teknik arıza, ispatlayamazsınız diyorlar. Taşıma ile ne alakası var diyerek resmen dalga geçiyorlar. Tüm bunların üstüne bir de 'taşıma ekibimiz gereken özeni gösterdi' diyorlar. Ne organizasyon, ne kalite ne de iletişim... Beni memnun eden hiç bir şey yok.
Moved from Karşıyaka , İzmir (Turkey) to Fürstenwalde/Spree (Germany)
 on Sirelo
Never use Orimex Lojistik! I never had to deal with such an unprofessional company. They are holding your good hostage, refusing to deliver unless you pay extra money in breach of the contract. They more than doubled the cost of my move and have still not delivered our furniture.
Failure to comply
Moved from İstanbul (Turkey) to Vienna (Austria)
Response of

As Orimex Logistics, our most important criterion has been customer satisfaction.
We know the difficulty of international relocation and we act meticulously accordingly.

The subject has been checked by our units and the details of the process have been sent to you via e-mail.
As it is known, there may be delays in international transportation and problems in documents.
When our truck arrives at the customs address near your home, your residence documents
Our truck has waited for 2 days because it is not up-to-date in the system yet. It should be known that only your belongings are in the truck.
Due to the lack of availability, it continued its route in order not to delay the deadlines of our other customers. by Austrian customs
When we learned that it was necessary to wait 10 days for you, we continued with the deliveries of our other customer items.
Afterwards, you arrive at the German customs, turn it into taxation for you, complete your customs procedures, and se nd your goods to your destination within the borders of Germany.
We downloaded it to our warehouse. As it is known, the storage service provided in Europe or any country in the world (unloading, loading, storage and intermediate transportation costs)
ahead of the customer. These issues are clearly stated in our international shipping contracts, item by item.
No extra payment has been requested by you. The requested fee is only requested for the services mentioned above.

Thank you again for choosing our company.

Stay well.
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 on Sirelo
I recommend Orimex. It is a professional company. Furnitures were well packed and arrived on time.
Communication was good.
Moved from Ankara (Turkey) to Enschede (Netherlands)
Response of
Teşekkür ederiz.Bizleri tercih ettiğiniz için
 on Sirelo
İşlerine sahip çıkan, sürekli bilgilendiren ve ellerinden geldiğince hızlı taşıyan bir ekip. Bir kamyon eşyadan bir adet yemek tabağı hariç, hiçbir eşyamız kırılmadı kutulandığı gibi bize ulaştı. Fiyatları da olduka makul. Yardımcı oluyorlar. Kesinlikle tavsiye ederim 👍🏻

A professional team. Friendly, always in communication with the customers and careful with the furniture. There was no damage except one piece of broken ceramic plate. Helpful with the pricing. Definitely I advise Orimex 👍🏻
Careful with furniture
Moved from İstanbul (Turkey) to Frankfurt (Germany)
Response of
iyi mesajlarınız için çok teşekkür ederiz.
 on Sirelo
Die Firma Orimex war sehr bemüht den Auftrag zu bekommen. Sie haben ein Angebot abgegeben und am Telefon einen professionellen Eindruck erweckt. Schnell war geklärt was und wieviel in die neue Heimat ins Ausland transport werden muss. Alles war in Ordnung und stellte kein Problem dar.
Zwei Tage vor dem Umzug, als alles gepackt war, die Tickets gebucht und es kein zurück mehr gab, waren auf einmal unsere Sommerräder für das vorangefahrene Fahrzeug, das mit Winterrädern unterwegs war, ein Problem. Wir sollen uns aber keine Sorgen machen, schlimmsten Falls müssen diese verzollt werden und es entstehen Zusatzkosten. Dazu kam, dass ein paar Sachen dazu kamen und es wurde ordentlich nachberechnet: Fast 40 % mehr wie vorher!!! Der Umzugswagen kam erst mal 4-5 Stunden zu spät. Am Fahrzeug fehlte ein Kennzeichen, das der Fahrer verloren hat. Es war von vorne bis hinten zerdellt und beschädigt. Man hat uns versprochen, dass der Fahrer alles dabei hat, um alles sicher und professionell zu laden und zu sichern. Der Fahrer hatte gar nichts dabei. Nicht mal eine Decke oder einen Schraubenzieher. Keine Sicherungsgurte, einfach nichts. Wir mussten alles vor Ort selber organisieren. Zudem kam nur ein Mann. Wir mussten also alle voll mit anpacken, damit er auch rechtzeitig los konnte. In dem Vertrag, den wir unterschreiben mussten, stand nichts drin, was ein Problem darstellte. 3 Tage später kam dann ein Anruf, dass einige Unterlagen fehlen, ohne die unser Hab und Gut nicht durch den Zoll konnte. Und sowas fällt einer professionellen Firma am Zoll auf.
Auf einmal war alles mögliche verboten. Man hat uns in den Senkel gestellt wie kleine Kinder, ob wir von nichts eine Ahnung haben. Unser Hab und Gut landete auf dem Zoll Gelände, wo es von Vöglen voll geckackt wurde. Unsere Sommerräder waren auf einmal illegal und hätten gar nicht aufgeladen werden dürfen. Man hat uns nach Istanbul einberufen, um es beim Zoll zu klären, das würde dann schon klappen. Also eine Reise von 1200 km auf sich genommen, um vom Zoll die Erklärung zu bekommen, dass es nicht geht und die Firma nicht in Istanbul hätte verzollen sollen, sondern wenige Kilometer zu unserem Wohnort. Die Reise war also umsonst. Das wusste die Firma Orimex schon vorher. Unsere Ware kam dann nach einer Woche an. Beim Entladen kam uns schon alles entgegen beim Öffnen der Tür, da nichts gesichert war. Was zerbrechen konnte zerbrach. Die Sachen waren zerdellt, zerkratzt und zum Teil zerlegt. Aber das ist doch nicht so schlimm. Wir seien einfach zu empfindlich. Die Felgen versprach man uns zurück nach Deutschland zu liefern und verlangte die Restzahlung vor Ort. Nach all den Schäden und Pannen, haben wir das vorerst abgelehnt, bis unsere Sommerräder wieder an ihren Ort zurück sind. Einen Tag später ruft uns die Firma an und erpresst uns, die Räder einzubehalten, bis sie ihr Geld bekommen. Wir sprechen hier von ca. 25 % Restzahlung. Die Schäden sind unser Problem. Nun gut, jetzt klärt es unser Anwalt.
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Moved from Heilbronn (Germany) to Izmir (Turkey)
Response of
Since I have the chance to respond to your unfounded and unfair comment, let me summarize the situation as follows.
Pursuant to the agreement you made with our company on January 20, your belongings were received from your home address in Germany.
Your belongings entered the Kapikule borders in a short time like 2 days on January 22 (this is documented) Then on January 23, transactions were started at Erenköy customs (documents available)
Your declaration was created on January 27 and we delivered your belongings to your home address on January 28.
In your handwritten letter on the delivery report, you have written and signed that you have received it undamaged and complete, and that you will notify it within 15 days in case of any damage or loss.
Regarding your vehicle rims, we told you that this is prohibited. However, we have stated that we will be with you in any problem or situation that may occur at the customs and we have kept our word. But unfortunately, we could not get the rims because the customs officers did not allow this. And so for you not to become a victim and don't pay extra money, we made a report to return them the country, that is, to carry out the re-shipment abroad (All of these are documented)
Your voice recordings and messages are also available.

I felt the need to respond because you stole people's efforts and slandered them in this untrue and unfair comment.
Mr.T, I wish you would write here that you did not pay the 1000 Euros left from your current account, for which you did not pay for the service you received.

Best Regards
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